
    DBT Schemes

    DBT Schemes
    Sr. No. Scheme Name Scheme Code Scheme Type
    1. Child Protection Services-Facilities to Beneficiaries (Sponsorship) EEIFR Centrally Sponsored Scheme
    2. Integrated Child Development Scheme ( Honorarium to AWW and AWH) EXELV Centrally Sponsored Scheme
    3. Integrated child development Scheme (Training Programme) E59ND Centrally Sponsored Scheme
    4. Integrated Child Development Services (Supplementary Nutrition Programme) ELT1M Centrally Sponsored Scheme
    5. Integrated Child Protection Scheme ( Salary to Staff) EC03M Centrally Sponsored Scheme
    6. Mukhya Mantri Doodh Uphaar Yojna CH4BZ State Scheme
    7. Open Shelter Homes CPG15 State Scheme
    8. Pardhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana E1DRB Centrally Sponsored Scheme
    9. Protection and Empowerment of Women ( Swadhar Greh facilities to Beneficiaries) EZOQV Centrally Sponsored Scheme
    10. Protection and Empowerment of Women( Swadhar Greh Salary to staff) E53N8 Centrally Sponsored Scheme
    11. Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme EMUHB Centrally Sponsored Scheme
    12. Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme (Honorarium to Worker) EF784 Centrally Sponsored Scheme
    13. Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls ( SABLA Nutrition and Non Nutrition) E9GVR Centrally Sponsored Scheme
    14. Scheme for Relief and Rehabilitation of Women Acid Victims CSOUK State Scheme
    15. State after care home for girls(nari niketan) CZ21M State Scheme
    16. Ujjawala ( Facilities to Beneficiaries) E66HG Centrally Sponsored Scheme
    17. Widows and Destitute homes (Mahila Ashram) C16PJ State Scheme